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Something you should know:
Your insights help make the magic!
Share as much or as little as you’d wish.
You can skip any question you’d like.
Just remember,
The more you share, the more magical the letter will be!
What's your child's name?
Please fill out the name first!
What gender is your child?
your child's date of birth?
How old is your child?
Does your child have any siblings?
What has your child achieved this year?
1. This is some text inside of a div block.
2. This is some text inside of a div block.
3. This is some text inside of a div block.
4. This is some text inside of a div block.
5. This is some text inside of a div block.
6. This is some text inside of a div block.
Would you like to generate the letter now using the answers given?
complete further questions for deeper personalisation?
Were there any times your child misbehaved this year? If so, please give example(s)
Are there any gifts your child wanted in particular this Christmas?
Name(s) of the friends your child has?

If there are none, no worries! Use names of anyone, including fictional characters or TV/movie actors.

Were there any notable events or experiences in the past year for your child?
Where will Santa be visiting on Christmas Eve?
Are there any teaching or lesson you want to include in the letter?
Please tell us anything else you want us to include in the letter

For example, personality traits, favourite words. Get creative!

Your Email Address:
Next step
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